PT. ABC President Indonesia berdiri pada bulan September 1991 sebagai bentuk kerjasama antara PT
ABC Central Food dari Indonesia dan Uni-President Enterprises Corporation dari
Taiwan. Merek ABC telah cukup lama dikenal luas masyarakat Indonesia sebagai produk
berkualitas tinggi dan merupakan salah satu pemimpin pasar makanan dan minuman
di Indonesia. Merek ABC menyediakan berbagai kategori produk untuk konsumsi
rumah tangga, dan berkeinginan untuk terus memperluas bidang usahanya ke
jenis-jenis makanan dan minuman lainnya. Uni-President Enterprises Corporation
memiliki sejarah panjang sebagai produsen tepung terigu sejak lebih dari 40
tahun lalu. Saat ini perusahaan tersebut telah menjadi perusahaan makanan dan
minuman terbesar di Taiwan. Bidang usahanya telah merambah ke berbagai produk
makanan jadi, minyak goreng, minuman, produk-produk berbahan susu, makanan
sehat, makanan beku, dan sebagainya. Selain dalam bidang produksi makanan dan
minuman, Uni-President Enterprises Corporation juga terjun dalam bidang ritel
dengan memiliki beberapa jaringan toko, pasar swalayan dan convenience store.
Perusahaan ini terus melakukan pertumbuhan dan diversifikasi usahanya ke bidang
distribusi, keuangan, asuransi, dan konstruksi.
Paduan antara perusahaan
yang ahli dalam membuat saus dan perusahaan yang ahli dalam pembuatan tepung
mampu menciptakan mi siap saji dengan rasa yang enak. PT ABC President
Indonesia kini dikenal sebagai salah satu produsen mi terbaik di Indonesia. Mi
ABC menjadi pemimpin pasar dalam kategori mi rasa pedas. PT ABC
President Indonesia memiliki visi untuk menjadi salah satu pemimpin pasar
makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Dengan pengalaman yang luas dan pengetahuan
mengenai pasar lokal, ABC Central Food dan Uni-President Enterprises Corporation telah menetapkan strategi untuk hanya memproduksi makanan yang
berkualitas. Hal ini sesuai dengan reputasi ABC group dan mendayagunakan hasil
penelitian dan pengembangan serta pusat inovasi makanan yang dimiliki Uni-President
Enterprises Corporation di Taiwan. Saat ini PT. ABC President
Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2015, Adapun detail lowongan
kerja di PT. ABC President Indonesia yang bisa dilamar
oleh mereka yang tertarik ingin bergabung dengan persyaratan sebagai
- ABC Presidents factory is situated in Karawang, West Java with an area of 7.0 hectares. The Factory is currently using a state of the art technology. Our PET ASEPTIC COLD FIR INC TECHNOLOGY is the lint and most advanced technology in Indonesia for producing Beverage with sterile result, superior taste and preservative free. Furthermore our factory and its manufacturing facilities is awarded with HACCP, ISO 22000, and HALAL Certification. It is our commitment to deliver our best products and services to you.
Logistic Staff
- To make planning and develop distribution planning.
- To execute distribution planning precisely.
- Provide satisfactory service of order distribution and optimum cost.
- To do improvement project.
- Male / female maximum 27 years old.
- Bachelor degree In Industrial Engineering or equivalent, from a reputable university.
- 1-2 years work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Able to work in tight deadline, Team player and sett-motivated
- Thorough, well organized and high attention to detail.
- Computer Literate.
- Good Personality, good communication, responsible and trust worthy.
- Proficient in English (oral & written).
- Ensures 100% stocks availability and monitoring of incoming deliveries and stocks.
- Responsible in sending out orders via PO creation In SAP
- Ensures minimal spoilage and special trips.
- Male /female maximum 27 years old.
- Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering or equivalent, from a reputable university.
- 1-2 years work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply,
- Candidates must be knowledgeable in inventory Forecasting, Inventory Management & control as well as Materials & Supply Management.
- Computer literate, familiar using in SAP will be an advantage.
- Proficient in English (oral & written).
- Work based: Karawang, West Java.
Production Staff
- Manage production process
- Provide reports on the performance, output and problem in production
- Monitoring activities production to achieve cost and quality targets and production schedules.
- Male / female maximum 27 years old
- 1-2 years work experience In the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, food technology or equivalent from a reputable university
- Computer Literate
- Having good leadership skill, analytical and problem solving skill Reliable, high Integrity, discipline in time management and prioritizing, and a good team player
- Proficient in English (oral & written)
- Work Based : Karawang.
Product Developer
- To generate new product ideas in line with company development.
- To coordinate new products development processes, preparation of proStoP5 fop materials quality standard, product manufacturing, research on materials and process.
- Male /female maximum 27 years old.
- 1-2 years work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Bachelor Degree In Food Technology from reputable university.
- Good understanding In R&D Product and Process.
- Good understanding In GMP, HACCP, HALAL and Food Safety Management System.
- Have passion In Research & Development.
- Have thinking out of the box, active and Innovative person.
- Proficient In English (oral & written).
Regulatory Specialist
- Create a document pre-regisration and registration of new products and existing products
- Prepare/Assess existing product documentation according to BPOM & MUI Halal requirements
- Responsible for all regulatory affairs, regulatory compliance activities.
- Male /female maximum 27 years old.
- 1.2 years work experience In the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Pharmacy, Biology or equivalent from reputable university
- Have knowledge about BPOM & Halal MUI regulation.
- Have thinking out of the box, creative and Innovative person.
- Able to work in teams, and have the communication skills and good negotiation.
- Possess keen Interest in regulatory work Expertise for the regulatory Issues pretend.
- Able to handle administrative duties with good document organization skills.
Technician Staff
- Preventive maintenance.
- Repair
electrical and
mechanical equipment.
Maintains records of
scheduled maintenance procedures.
anda yang tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi dengan Lowongan Kerja PT. ABC President Untuk D3-S1 Freshgraduate Semua Jurusan Sebagai Staf diatas, silahkan segera kirimkan aplikasi
lamaran dan CV serta kelengkapan berkas terbaru lainnya lengkap
melalui alamat berikut:
- Male maximum 27 years old
- 1-2 work experience in the same position, fresh gracluate are welcome to apply.
- Min diploma degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil engineering and Industrial Engineering from a reputable university.
- Familiar with preventive maintenance and spare part control.
- Good practical ability in electrical and mechanical problem solving,
- Computer Literate.
- Proficient in English (oral & written).
- Work Based: Karawang West lava.
- Communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand. These communications can of course be either positive with consumers actively engaged in rating and commenting on goods and services.
Brand Executive
- Coordinating and communicating with cross functional (sales dept, Production, supply chain, finance, purchasing, etc) for support marketing program.
- Maintain strategic alliance with eternal parties (agency, partner, etc) for marketing program.
- Brand Building activities.
- Brand Marketing activities and documentations.
- Male / female maximum 27 years old
- 1-2 year, work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Bachelor degree with major in communication, accounting, finance, management or equivalent from reputable university
- Able to work in cross-functional way, coordinating with sales department, R&D, production, purchasing, finance department, etc
- Good communication interpersonal skill and analytical skill
- Computer literate
- Good knowledge in basic accounting, budgeting and marketing
- Fluent in English, both oral and written,
- Sells products and other matters related produt. Ranging from market development, fostering loyalty to the outlet, the implementation of promotional activities to make report on the sales and results of the implementation of the promotion. To make sure our product are deliver and visible in all area.
Sales Area (General
Trade and Modern Trade)
- Manage, monitoring and build relationship with distributor, agent and account.
- Develop area coverage.
- Achieve sales target.
- Develop and lead salesman, MD, SPG for achieve sales target
- Mae / female maximum 27 years old.
- 2 years work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Bachelor’s degree in any major from reputable university.
- Computer Literate.
- Strong communication, influencing & negotiation skills.
- Good analytical and problem solving.
- Effective of leading and motivating a team.
- Work based: all Indonesia area.
- Financial accounting gathers and summarizes financial data to prepare financial reports such as balance sheet and income statement for the organization's management investors, lenders, suppliers, tax authorities, and other stakeholders.
Accounting Staff
- Prepares general ledger entries by maintaining records and files; reconciling account.
- Prepares consolidated internal and external financial statements by gathering and analyzing information from the general ledger system and from departments.
- Maintains and balances an automated consolidation system by inputting data
- Male / female maximum 27 years old
- 1-2 years work experience in the same position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Bachelor degree (S1) in accounting and finance from reputable university.
- Computer literate
- Familiar in using SAP System is an advantage.
- Highly initiative person, dynamic, energetic, self motivated and strong interpersonal skill.
- Able to work in tight deadline, Team player and self-motivated.
- Thorough, well organized and high attention to detail.

PT. ABC President
Office Tower A Lantai 31 Unit A-H
Jl Casablanca Raya Kav
88, Jakarta Selatan 12870
Atau email to:
Catatan :
* Hanya kandidat dengan
kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan tes berikutnya.
Lowongan kerja ini akan
berakhir pada 25 Oktober 2015. Jadi
persiapkan diri anda untuk menjadi yang terpilih dan semoga berhasil...