ADHIKarya berawal dari
perusahaan milik Belanda bernama Architecten-Ingenicure-en Annemersbedrijf
Associatie Selle en de Bruyn, Reyerse en de Vries N.V. (Associatie N.V.), yang
dinasionalisasikan dan kemudian ditetapkan sebagai PN Adhi Karya pada tanggal
11 Maret 1960. sionalisasi ini bertujuan untuk memacu pembangunan
infrastruktur di Indonesia. Terhitung sejak tanggal 1 Juni 1974, ADHI menjadi
Perseroan Terbatas, berdasarkan pengesahan Menteri Kehakiman Republik
Indonesia. ADHI merupakan Perseroan konstruksi pertama yang terdaftar di Bursa
Efek Indonesia (d.h. Bursa Efek Jakarta) sejak 18 Maret 2004, dimana pada akhir
tahun 2003 negara Republik Indonesia telah melepas 49% kepemilikan sahamnya
kepada masyarakat melalui mekanisme Initial Public Offering (IPO). ADHI
KARYA merupakan salah satu perusahaan konstruksi milik pemerintah Indonesia yang berdiri pada tahun 1960. PT Adhi Karya selalu
memberikan nilai kontrak yang terbaik sehingga kepercayaan masyarakat akan
perusahaan ini terus meningkat. Saat ini PT. Adhi Karya
(Persero) membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2015 , Adapun
detail lowongan kerja di PT. Adhi Karya yang
bisa dilamar oleh mereka yang tertarik ingin bergabung dengan
persyaratan dan posisi sebagai berikut :
- Power Supply Engineer
- Signaling & Telecomunication Engineer
- Rolling Stock Engineer
- LOKER Staf Bank Mandiri Terbaru
Rolling Stock Engineer
Requirements :
- Minimum
Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Rolling
Stock expertise certificate
- Define
performance criteria of rolling stock which meet to the optimum
operational plan.
- Develop
technical specifications document for Rolling Stock according to vehicle
concept refer to international standard and regulations from Indonesia
Transportation Minister
- Review
of technical specifications Rolling Stock which propose by vendor related
to the owner specification, standard and regulation.
- Consideration
of operational requirements in design, manufacturing and commissioning
- Provide
check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Rolling Stock
during manufacturing stage.
- Perform
Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Power, Rail Signaling and Track during
design and implementation stage.
- Provide
information and data regarding train speed and traveling time according to
the propulsion and breaking system.
- Review
manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which
proposed by vendor.
- At
least Five years experience at Design stage of Rolling Stock.
- At
least Five years experience at Production stage of Rolling Stock.
Signaling & Telecomunication Engineer
Requirements :
- Minimum
S1, Electrical Engineering
- Signaling
& Telecommunication system expertise certificate
- Define
performance criteria of Signaling & Telecommunication system which
meet to the optimum operational plan.
- Develop
technical specifications document for Signaling & Telecommunication
system according to operation plan refer to international standard and
regulations from Indonesia Transportation Minister
- Review
of technical specifications of Signaling & Telecommunication system
which propose by vendor related to the owner specification, standard and
- Consideration
of operational requirements in design, installation and commissioning stages.
- Provide
check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Signaling
& Telecommunication system during installation stage.
- Perform
Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Power, Rail Signaling, Track and Civil
Work during design and implementation stage.
- Provide
information regarding train running simulation according to the signaling
and interlocking system which implemented.
"Tahoma","sans-serif"; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman";">Review
manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which
proposed by vendor.
least Five years experience at Design stage of Signaling &
Telecommunication system.
least Five years experience at Production stage of Signaling &
Telecommunication system
anda yang tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi dengan Lowongan Kerja Sebagai Staf PT. ADHI KARYA diatas,
silahkan segera kirimkan aplikasi lamaran dan CV serta kelengkapan
berkas terbaru lainnya lengkap melalui alamat berikut:
Power Supply Engineer
Requirements :
- Minimum
S1, Electrical Engineering
- Power
Supply system expertise certificate
- Define
performance criteria of Power Supply system which meet to the demand of
Electricity at LRT System.
- Develop
technical specifications document for Power Supply System according to
operation plan refer to international standard and regulations from
Indonesia Transportation Minister.
- Review
of technical specifications of Power Supply system which propose by vendor
related to the owner specification, standard and regulation.
- Consideration
of operational requirements in design, installation and commissioning
- Provide
check list and conduct monitoring of quality and progress of Power Supply
system during installation stage.
- Perform
Interfacing between Rolling Stock, Rail Signaling, Track and Civil Work
during design and implementation stage.
- Provide
information regarding train movement simulation according to the signaling
and interlocking system which implemented.
- Review
manual operation, manual maintenance and maintenance schedule which
proposed by vendor.
- At
least Five years experience at Design stage of Power Supply system.
- At
least Five years experience at Production stage of Power Supply system
Unduh Form
Formulir DISINI
Application should
contains the below documents :
- Correct filled application form
- Curriculum Vitae with photo
- Copy of degree certificates, and transcripts (legalized)
- Copy / scanned ID
- Copy of expertise certications (if any)

(for ARSE position)
(for ASTE position)
(for APSE position)
Catatan :
* Hanya kandidat dengan
kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan tes berikutnya
Lowongan kerja ini akan
berakhir pada 15 Mei 2015. Jadi persiapkan diri anda untuk
menjadi yang terpilih dan semoga berhasil...